Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Cleaner YouTube Viewing Experience

If you find YouTube's advertising, recommended videos and comments that surround any video distracting - especially to your class - here is a Chrome extension for you.

Chrome is a browser designed by Google (Safari is designed by Apple and Firefox is a Mozilla product). It is gaining in popularity because of the extensions and built-in applications it offers. Many students are choosing to use Chrome.

Here is a reason why you might switch to Chrome too.

Here is the UCC MeriTALKracy video that was produced for Founder's Day viewed in Firefox or Safari. It has the expected description and comments below the video and other recommended videos to the right.

Here is the same video viewed in Chrome once the YouTube Options extension is installed. Just the video and a search bar. Nothing else. All of the extraneous information is stripped away. Additionally, this extension removes any leading advertisements that often play before videos.

How to add the YouTube Options extension:
  1. Open the Google Chrome browser
  2. Click the New Tab button to open a tab with the Chrome applications.
  3. Go to the Chrome Web Store
  4. Search for the YouTube Options extension
  5. Add this extension to Chrome. All the default settings should work for you.
  6. Enjoy watching uncluttered YouTube videos!