Tuesday, December 18, 2012

One-to-One Update

I thought I would take this opportunity to update everyone on the status of our One-to-One computing initiative.

  • The first meeting of the Parent focus group was held on November 26th. Overall, the initiative was well-received by the parents. The major concern was the amount of screen time that the boys will experience on a daily basis. This is an understandable concern and Lara and I will be looking at ways to best monitor and communicate about this next year. Our next meeting with this set of parents is on January 14th. This will be followed by a presentation to the PPO on January 24th.
  • Our first student focus group meetings have been held over the past few weeks as well. Students are excited and are voicing some very insightful ideas and suggestions. We will continue to meet with students across all grade levels in the new year and tackle topics like storage and charging, student agreements and classroom expectations.
Laptop Bags
  • One of our priorities is making sure that the boys' laptops are stored and transported safely. We know how they tend to treat their belongings, so we are being particularly diligent about this part of our planning. 
  • Thank-you to the faculty who are still trying a variety of laptop bags. We currently have 6 different models that are being tried with one more to add to the mix after the break. We have a current favourite, but are waiting for the delivery of one more "always on" bag that is a little slimmer and more compact.
Moving Forward
  • Tom, Bernard, Jim LaPlante, Lara and I are meeting regularly to ensure that we are continuing to move forward with our plans for implementation.
  •  Here are some items that are in the works:
    • Design and building of locked storage & charging stations for Form 4 and 5 classrooms and storage within the music room.
    • Planning two spring presentations to parents - the first on the general use of technology at home and the second a formal presentation of the one-to-one program for September.
    • The design for the new help desk to be located across from 7C (in the old AV room) has been completed. Construction will take place in the spring.
  • In the new year, we will begin to develop a staged take-home policy - what do students need to be able to demonstrate to be earn the privilege of taking their laptop home.
As always, we are happy to discuss this and how it is going to affect you and your students next year.

- Sarah

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Using Timeline 3D

Timelines are an effective tool in a variety of subject areas. Here's a tutorial showing you how to set up Timeline 3D and use it with your classes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

iPad Apps added October 23

The following Apps have recently been added to all iPads (except those in SK). They can be used for a variety of purposes in almost any subject area. Please remember that for students under 13, it is recommended that teachers set up classroom student accounts and/ or monitor students' use of Apps. In other words, for students under 13 years old, teachers should be able to view and access what the students are doing with the App and students should not have to sign up using anything unless they use their school email address and passwords that we know.


Explain Everything

Explain Everything is an App that allows you to create screencasts using pretty much anything. You can annotate, animate and/ or narrate and then play back what you did like a movie. You can:
  • import pdf, ppt, xls, rtf, Pages, Numbers and Keynote from Evernote, Dropbox, WebDAV, iPad photo roll or iPad camera
  • write or draw on them
  • use a "laser pointer"
  • add shapes like stars and arrows
  • type text
  • insert images from the picture library, camera, Dropbox or Evernote
  • rotate or resize images
  • export or share finished products as mp4 movie, png image file, pdf to Picture Library, YouTube, email, Dropbox or Evernote

Students at all grade levels can easily show what they know and explain their thinking with this app and then share their explanations with others. There are many examples of student work created with Explain Everything on this uvic site.

Popplet Lite

Popplet is a mapping App that allows you to easily record and sort ideas visually. It can be used for mind-mapping, brainstorming, planning, collecting information, story-boarding, organizing notes or even creating galleries.
With Popplet Lite, only one popplet can be created. Students can save their work as an image with a screen shot (hold down the home and power buttons at the same time). If there is a lot of interest in Popplet, we can consider getting the full version (which allows for an unlimited number of popplets,, online popplets and collaboration between users) and/ or student accounts.

Khan Academy

The Khan Academy App allows studnets to access the thousands of videos on the Khan Academy website. Topics include K-12 math, science and the humanities. The app also allows for:
  • videos to be downloaded
  • subtitles
  • progress tracking
This video gives an overview of the Khan Academy in general. Teachers can set themselves up as coaches in order to monitor students' progress.

Flashcards+ Lite

Flashcards+ is an App that allows students to create their own flashcards as well as access pre-made decks of flashcards from Quizlet.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to View Parent-Teacher Interviews

We are using a new online system for booking interviews this year. Teacher accounts that will allow you to see an up to the minute list of your interviews are available at https://pickatime.com/client?ven=1&rptVenID=11605124 .
You enter your ucc email address, and your password is your employee number.
Click on the report box and set it to Teacher's schedule.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Repost about Google Drive from a previous email to PrepEmployeeArea:

Man with magnifying Glass shared (BY NC SA) via csuspect's flickr photostream

Sending Google Docs:
If you want your document to just appear in someone's Drive folder without them having to click on a link in an email, it MUST be shared to their email address (not Primary, Middle or Employee Area, etc.).

Receiving Google Docs:
If you feel like you are "not getting" documents, the best thing to do is to check your email - was it sent in a message to Primary, Middle or Employee Area that you didn't open?
If you are sure that something was sent directly to you (not Primary, Middle or Employee Area, but you still can't find it, try looking for it in the All items view [on the left under More].

Just FYI...
In Drive, there are several sections:
  • "My Drive" contains documents you created. You can organize these into folders if you like.
  • "Shared with me" only lists files, folders, and Google Docs that include your email address in their “Share settings.”  You won’t see files in this view with share settings set to “Anyone with the link” or “Public.” You cannot organize these into folders but you CAN copy documents to your organized Drive folder if you want. One caution: if it was shared to you as part of a folder/ collection (like the Athletic Appendices) don't move it or the rest of us will no longer be able to access it - it was there for all of us - but if it was an individual document, feel free to organize!
For more info about Google Drive, check their Help page or come by and we can work it out together.

Projector Resolution Settings

When you plug your projector into your computer, the entire whiteboard screen should be filled with the image from your computer. If it isn't, check the display settings.

You can get to your display settings in two ways:
  1. Click on the display icon in your menu bar.
  2. In your system preferences (under the apple), choose displays.
 To ensure your screen is showing properly when plugged into the projector, make sure your resolutions are set as shown below:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hardware - What and Where

We have a lot of different hardware in the ICT office and throughout the school that is available for teacher and student use. Here's a quick summary of what we have and where you can find it.

Still Cameras
  • We have 9 Fuji Finepix digital cameras that can be signed out for class use. We also have a power bar with all the chargers for charging all at once. These are older, but still very functional and can record video as well as still photos.
  • These are stored in the ICT office. Ask Sarah or Lara if you would like to borrow them.

Document Cameras
  • These connect using a USB cord to your computer and then can project whatever you have under the camera. Great for showing examples or reading a book to the class where everyone can see the page on the big screen.
  • The more permanent Elmo document camera that can have a permanent place in a classroom. To use this camera, you use the Image Mate software on your laptop. Several of these are already out in classrooms - 3M, 5C, H226, Holmes Lab. We have one more of these in the ICT office if anyone would like to put it to use.
  • The more flexible and portable IPEVO Point 2 View camera is tiny and has the same purpose, but sometimes has challenges showing an entire page at once. Because of it's small size and flexibility, it can be used as a microscope to examine things very closely. To use this camera, you use the P2V software on your laptop. Several of these are already in classrooms or with teachers who teach in several classrooms - 3C, 5F, JHS, Science labs. We have two more of these in the ICT office if anyone would like this for their use.
  • A new IPEVO product has just become available - a little larger than the Point 2 View is the Ziggi. It's designed to be as flexible and portable as the Point 2 View, but large enough to show an entire page. If you would like to try this out, we have one in the ICT office.
  • We have 6 high-end Rode Podcaster microphones. If you would like to use these with your class, please let me know. They record very high quality and are focused so that background noise doesn't generally get recorded. Have your students record tutorials about how to do things or have them record themselves reading their work. There are lots of uses for these and we would be happy to help!

  • There are sets of 6 iPads in each of the Form 1-3 classrooms this year with 4 in SK. This leaves 6 additional iPads available for teachers to borrow for classroom purposes. Please contact Lara if you would like to borrow one or the set.

Flip Video Cameras
  •  These easy-to-use, one-piece, one-button cameras are great for boys who need to record video. Teachers have found these effective for having students video each other and then review what they have done. Drama (LHF) has a set of 5 and Phys Ed (DVB) has a set of 6. Lara and I have 2 set aside for others who wish to borrow them.

  • Given the scanning functionality of the new photocopiers (the subject of a future post), these are becoming obsolete, but we still have them. There are scanners in 7F, 7L and GJD has one as well. If you would like one for your office or classroom, please let us know - we have two up for grabs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The COWS are out!

The COWs are now all out and ready to go. Please use the Computer Sign Out schedule in FileMaker to reserve.

They are being stored in these locations:
  • Red - 4F - E119
  • Green - 6M - H128
  • Yellow - 7L - E223
  • Blue - 5C - E250 

A reminder of some guidelines when using the COWs:
  • Whenever possible, teachers should be moving carts - not students.
  • Remember to plug in the wireless router to power and ethernet when you use the cart. You will usually have to unplug one of the desktop computers to do this.
  • Monitor students putting away the laptops ensuring they are put away on the correct shelf and plugged in. Hint - have the connection to the power supply facing toward the front of the computer when you put it away - it's less likely to get banged out when they are put away.
  • Always do a final check once all laptops are put away - are they all charging? Check for the charging light visible on each shelf. This is important to make sure the laptops are ready for the next class. This is a great role for a student.
  • Please return the COW to the home location when finished or soon thereafter. This avoids teachers interrupting all classes in the area to track down the COW when they have it reserved.

As always, if you need any help with this, please let me and/or Lara know.

- Sarah

Monday, September 17, 2012

iWork - Versions

You may have noticed that the "Save" and "Save As" options have disappeared from iWork applications.

To save a file you have saved in the past, you now want to choose "Save a Version".

To make a copy of a file, you will first choose "Duplicate" and then "Save" which will prompt you to rename the file.

The version option that is now included allows you to go back in time and recover previous copies of the file you are working on. The video below shows how to do this.

We are unsure of how much additional space this version feature will require for students working on the network. As a precaution, we have disabled this feature for students which means they will continue to work as they always have. The video below shows the error the students will see and explains how to deal with it quickly and easily.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Printer and Copier FAQ

For access to information about the History and Guiding Principles behind all the changes to printing at UCC as well as access to Richoh Resources, Training Materials and services offered by UCC Press, please refer to the UCC Printing and Print Services Site.

CC licensed (BY NC SA) shared on audiovisualjunkie's flickr photostream             


Where are the colour printers?
Outside the Computer lab, in Bitove Lounge and in the basement.

What if I forget to pick up my print job?
All print cues are cleared overnight. You will not be able to print it the following day without resending the print job.

Do I need to wait for someone else's job to finish printing before I put in my employee number?
No. Go ahead. The your job will start once their job has finished.

What if I make a mistake typing in my employee number?
Just push the pound key or wait a few moments. If you hear a double beep everything will print. If you hear multiple beeps then it realized something was wrong. Try again.

Why can't I double-side my black and white printouts?
That was an error - it is being fixed. If you selected double-sided printing, you did the right thing.

How can students print?
They have to put in their Student ID number and the #. They should have a sticker in their Agenda with their Student Number and you can find it in FileMaker - School Data - Lists - Alpha List with Student ID.

Can someone else pick up my printing?
No. Only the person logged in to the computer that sent the print job can pick up their printing. Otherwise passwords would need to be shared and we don't want to do that.

Help, I can't access Secure Printing.
If you still need to remove all the old UCC printers from your computer or cannot access secure printing, follow the instructions provided here by Ryan at https://sites.google.com/a/ucc.on.ca/student-printing/  Be aware that this will remove all other print drivers installed on your computer, including old UCC printers as well as home printers. Home printer drivers will need to be reinstalled.


How do I log on/ off the copier?
The physical log on/ off button on the right side of the machines DOES NOT WORK.
Press the "Other Function" button on the left to log on using the screen. Press it again when you are done and then log off on the screen.

What is with that opening screen where it says Print All or Print Selected?
If you pick Print All, everything that you sent to the copier will come out. If you pick Print Selected you can print jobs individually.

How can students copy?
They have to put in their Student ID number and the #. They should have a sticker in their Agenda with their Student Number and you can find it in FileMaker - School Data - Lists - Alpha List with Student ID.

Can someone else pick up my copies?
No. Only the person logged in to the computer that sent the print job can pick up the copies. Otherwise passwords would need to be shared and we don't want to do that.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

How to... Email Parents

Sorry about the changes to this post. You have some options for emailing all the parents in your class.

We have been cautioned against creating Mailing Lists because parent email addresses change throughout the year. So...

OPTION 1 (easier): Copy the addresses from FileMaker and paste them into GMail. This will give you the most up-to-date versions. This video will explain how to do that. Do it every time you want to email your parents.

Don't forget: as Sarah mentioned, always BCC parents.

(If anyone knows how to improve video quality when uploading to blogger I'd love to know!)

OPTION 2 (initially more complicated): In your MacMail Preferences, use the +/- signs to delete any POP accounts (unless you need them for some other reason - I don't) and add a new IMAP account.

Then set up your MacMail Preferences like below (using your name and account) so that you can email directly out of Filemaker. If you would like help doing this, please feel free to ask.

Now when you go to FileMaker and find your list of parents, you can click on "Send Mail" and create your message in MacMail but when you send that message, it will be sent via your GMail and parents can respond to your Gmail.

Hope this helps!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Solution for Smart Notebook Error

Some of us have expereinced problems with Smart Notebook. If you are getting this message:

Follow the instructions here to remedy it. If you continue to experience problems, please contact the HelpDesk by emailing helpdesk@ucc.on.ca or calling extension 3323 if it is urgent.

If you want help going through this process, please let Lara or Sarah know and we can help.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Removing unnecessary printers

Tired of changing your printing pull-down menu to always choose "Secure Printing"?

Here's how to eliminate all those old printers from your system and set your default printer to secure printing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome to the Prep ICT Blog

One of the recommendations of the One-to-One task force was to establish regular communication and sharing of ideas between the ICT teachers and the rest of the UCC Prep Community.

We've decided to start this year by trying out Blogger - Google's blogging platform. We don't want to wait until we roll out the one-to-one program before implementing this suggestion as we hope it will be valuable to you immediately.

We will use this space to share a variety of things:
  • examples of how our teachers are integrating ICT into their classes
  • new and/or interesting applications with ideas for use in personal or professional ways
  • tutorials on how to use specific applications or online tools
  • links to other posts online that we think would be of interest
You can subscribe to this blog by putting your email address into the "Notifications by Email" box to the right. This way, whenever we make a new post, you will get an email letting you know.

If there is anything in particular you would like us to include in this space, please let us know. We hope it becomes a useful resource.

- Sarah & Lara