Thursday, September 6, 2012

How to... Email Parents

Sorry about the changes to this post. You have some options for emailing all the parents in your class.

We have been cautioned against creating Mailing Lists because parent email addresses change throughout the year. So...

OPTION 1 (easier): Copy the addresses from FileMaker and paste them into GMail. This will give you the most up-to-date versions. This video will explain how to do that. Do it every time you want to email your parents.

Don't forget: as Sarah mentioned, always BCC parents.

(If anyone knows how to improve video quality when uploading to blogger I'd love to know!)

OPTION 2 (initially more complicated): In your MacMail Preferences, use the +/- signs to delete any POP accounts (unless you need them for some other reason - I don't) and add a new IMAP account.

Then set up your MacMail Preferences like below (using your name and account) so that you can email directly out of Filemaker. If you would like help doing this, please feel free to ask.

Now when you go to FileMaker and find your list of parents, you can click on "Send Mail" and create your message in MacMail but when you send that message, it will be sent via your GMail and parents can respond to your Gmail.

Hope this helps!

1 comment:

Sarah Barclay said...

One request - when emailing parents, please put their names in the BCC field (not the To: or CC:). BCC stands for "blind carbon copy" and when you do this, all the parents will get the message, but they won't see everyone else's email address. It helps maintain their privacy.

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